Live Kryon Channelling
Caracas, Venezuela
November 2, 2008
"The Incredible Human"
As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
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The Incredible Human
This live channelling was Given in Caracas, VenezuelaNovember 2, 2008
To help the reader, this channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee andKryon] and added onto to provide even clearer understanding. Oftenwhat happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kindof communication that the printed page does not. In addition, thischannelling was also given in Spanish, so many of the short sentenceshave been altered to make it more readable. So enjoy this enhancedmessage given in Caracas, Venezuela in November 2008.Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There would bethose who would say I come in too quickly. They would say that theHuman cannot support this kind of transition that fast. Those who haveseen the process for years will say it should take longer. In this newenergy, however, the invitation is open to have a 100 percent walkwith God. For you, that means that when you go into meditation, youwill instantly be able to call upon that power. For in this newenergy, there is the ability to balance yourself and understand theprocess so well that you literally can be in meditation before you'rein meditation! Does it really make sense that you have to prepare totalk to yourselves? For you are the essence of God. Why, then, shouldyou prepare to talk to yourself? Oh, you can be reverent and you canclear the space and take the time, even build an altar if you wish.But the actual process is instant, and this is the difference betweenan old energy and a new one. But the love of God never turns off.Instead, it is you who are becoming accustomed to this new energy.Again, I say this: Remember the masters? Who was your favorite? Didthose around that favorite one tell you that he turned on and off? Ordid he walk with God the whole time? You know the answer to that. Thenew energy you sit within is the teaching of mastery. Do you feel youdeserve this love? For this is the big issue, is it not? I sit infront of a group of Lightworkers and they deserve it! They know theydeserve it. This is what often makes the difference in understandingwhat is happening or not. Are you part of the process or just watchinga process?I'm going to do something tonight that I have done only one timebefore, and then when I'm finished with that, I'm going to give youinformation that has never been revealed. The reason for thisrevelation is because it has just happened. What I want to do first,however, is to lead you through a Human Being's life. I've done thisbefore, but I want you to hear it in your own language [Spanish]. Iwant you to record it in your language [and it was].This is a story of an incredible thing, the amazing Human Being. Thisis not a story of a special Human Being. It's not a story of a HumanBeing that has super powers. It doesn't matter whether they're rich orpoor or what happens on the earth. I want to give you a story of theHuman Being from my perspective - what happens when you leave my sideof the veil, and what happens when you come back. This is you - everyone of you. Listen, for this may upset what you've been told in the past.You may say life starts simply, but it does not. There have been thosewho would love to trick Kryon. They ask ethical questions. "DearKryon, when does life begin? Is it in the inception of the egg thatgives birth? Is it there, or is it nine months later?" The question,you see, is a trick. Because there's a lot of controversy for Humansthere, you see? So they wait for Kryon's answer, and you're not goingto like it, for it goes way beyond your seemingly ethical 3D mind.There is a system in all this and it is beautiful. It's of birth andlife and death. The potentials of who you will meet on this planet areknown before you get here. The karmic attributes that you will enjoywhen you land on this planet are all understood. The synchronicitiesof who you will meet are there! It's not fortune telling orpredictions of the future. Instead, it's about pre-dispositions basedon energy.What are the possibilities that every potential that could exist isall mapped out? As complex as it might seem, before you ever step onthis planet, you know of all the synchronicities that might occur. Andin that, you pick your parents and they pick you. When does lifebegin? It actually begins eons before you're born. That's the love ofGod at work, and that should tell you something: There is no accidentthat you're here."Kryon, that couldn't be. You see, I'm an orphan. I never knew myparents." Oh, Human Being in 3D, you're not listening. For from thedepths of your wisdom you chose parents who would make you an orphan.So you might say, "Well, why would I do such a thing?" It's becausewhen you're on my side of the veil, you have the mind of God.Sometimes you will choose challenge so that you will help the planetwith your potential solutions. Listen to me. No one came here tosuffer. What you came here for was to unravel the puzzle of life, andthe ones who are sitting in the chairs and listening to this areinterested and doing exactly that.Each one of you here is a piece of the Creator. Each one of youstarted on my side of the veil. However, my side is not a place atall. You really cannot understand that, for in three dimensions therehas to be a physical place where you come from. God is not in a place.God just is. This is difficult for you to understand, for you are in3D. But actually, you're a piece of that soup called God.There is no physical attribute of God. Being a part of God is notexplainable in 3D. I sit in front of you, but I am not singular, I am,like you, a piece of the soup of God. My name on the other side of theveil is not Kryon. That name has been created for you. I inhabit mypartner's energy in this communication as a group. I see those readingthis and I see those listening to this message. Can you even imagine that?So you didn't start at birth at all. You always were! Before theUniverse was created, you were. You belong to God and are of thefamily of God and you choose to come into the earth for a purpose... apurpose known to all (except you).The reason for coming to this planet is something we have tried toexplain many times. It's tough to do that, because it doesn't reallyhave much to do with Earth. It has to do with the Universe. It has todo with future energies that you will establish from your experiencehere. It's tough to explain the outside world to a fish in a bowl, forthe fish only knows of the bowl. If you tell the fish about your solarsystem and its surroundings, the fish has no understanding. It onlyknows of what it knows. So let us again say that what you do in thisbowl affects something far greater on the outside.You never believe it, but you wanted to come here. When you saw thepotentials of your parents and where you would be born yet again, yousaid, "Yes!" You said, "I can hardly wait to get back. Let me come innow."Each one of you knows what has happened in your own life. Now you'rethinking, aren't you? "Kryon, if I knew these potentials, I don'tthink I would have come." This is the incredible Human Being, dearone. Yes, you knew. You knew the potentials of everything you've gonethrough so far. It was there as a potential and you walked right inand you lived it."Why is it that God loves humanity so much?" We've just answered that.You knew the potentials, and came anyway. It's because you love thisplanet as I do. Because there's something bigger going on. It's allabout where the vibration will go on this planet. High? Low? Forwhatever happens there, it creates something far, far larger. And inorder for this test to be in integrity, Human Beings must be born onthis planet and search for the hidden Creator within.Listen to this: At that appointed moment of birth, and after theembryo is fully developed, I stand with you metaphorically in a placewe have called The Wind of Birth. This is a portal between linearityand interdimensionality. It's not a place, but rather an energy thatis divine. I look at your energy and you look at mine. What follows iswhat took place with each one of you, for I represent the group thatsays goodbye to you and hello to you. I'm Kryon, lover of humanity.In that beautiful energy, I said to you, "Are you ready? Are yousure?" And every single one of you gave me a beautiful energy embrace.Then you disappeared, and an incredible process began.[Pause]Being born on the planet is not easy. The first thing you do is splitapart. Not all of the piece of God you are gets transferred to theHuman body. Some of it continues to reside on this side of the veil.But you knew that, didn't you? For you spend so much time looking forthe piece that was separated... the Higher-Self, wanting to connect toit. But with birth you become singular. It's lonely, you know? For yougo from an interdimensional being to a singular, 3D one. TheHigher-Self is the best portrayal of who you really are. It's the coresoul energy, and it really is YOU. That's why it feels so good whenyou finally connect. It's a connection that you have asked for, and itbecomes a remembrance.So at birth you split apart. That's not all, and here's where it getsdifficult for you to understand. Pieces and parts of your core spiritstay on my side of the veil, which is not the Higher-Self. Theseenergies, who are also "you," become your guides. I've just given youa secret: Your guides are you. That's why it feels so good whenthey're around you, and you feel so lost when they retreat."Kryon, I often feel so depressed and so alone." I've heard this somany times. There are those in this room and hearing this who wouldsay this to me. If you had an interdimensional picture of your life asI do, you'd see an entourage around you all the time. We've said thisso many times: You're not alone. You can't be alone, but in 3D itappears that way, doesn't it? Some of you who are depressed have neverreally opened that door to Spirit, have you? If you had, you wouldhave found that there is an energy... the energy of the Higher-Self,which pushes back at you to let you know there is something actuallythere. Every one of you has this.I often see the one crying in the corner, so depressed, so alone, indespair. I see the beautiful energy of the guides standing around himdoing nothing... because the Human never gave permission for them todo anything at all. Yet all of you have them!So, into the earth comes the Human Being, and in the DNA there isdivinity. You have not split your divinity that much, only yourdimensionality. Your DNA is filled with sacredness. It has to be,because if you're going to reunite with a Higher-Self, you're going tohave to have divinity in your cellular structure... and you do.The first thing that happens at birth, is an interdimensional processthat is timeless. The instant the child is born, there is acrystalline structure activated in the Cave of Creation. The earthknows you're back or the earth knows you've just arrived for the firsttime. For an old soul, the crystalline structure has been waiting foryou, for really it's the essence of all of your lifetimes waiting forthe next one. You realize, do you not, that you have had other liveshere? It may seem foreign to you what those lives were, but you have afriend in each one of them. It's the friend called the Higher-Self.It's the same Higher-Self you have now. What that means, dear HumanBeing, is that those past lives were not a foreign experience at all.For you were there.It's important you realize this, for it gives you permission to look,remember, even to pick up some of the talents that you had before.This will be the teaching, the advanced teaching, that I want mypartner to go forward with next year. The crystalline structure ofyour own crystal is activated, and it's almost like rings of a tree.Each lifetime is represented and can be seen. Now here's something youshould know: Everything you have done spiritually on this planet isimbued into that crystal. Everything you have learned the hard way isimbued into that crystal. It lays there in your DNA, transferred toyour DNA at birth into two interdimensional energies, or layers, we'vecalled the Akashic Record of DNA [Layers 7 and 8 in the Kryon DNAteaching]. It's this way so that should you awaken or start askingspiritual questions, everything you've ever known or experiencedthrough the ages will come back.This is very good news to many who read this. It means that nothing islost through your efforts here through the ages. When you come back,dear Human Being, everything you've learned in this life is stillthere, and you don't have to learn it again. You don't have to gothrough anything again if you don't want to. Do you understand what Iam telling you at this moment? For those of you who wish to push onthe door, to find the God within, to actually reach out to theCreator, are literally opening the jar of spirituality of everythingyou've ever learned. Slowly, it pours upon you and you remember.So many of you are asking the questions, "What do I do? How do I doit? What is next? What are the processes, what are the procedures?How, how, how?" And we have said for 20 years, that when you startopening that door, intuition starts to show you what you've alreadylearned! You already know it. In order to make sense of it, newprocesses have been placed upon the earth to help structure thesethings in ways that you can understand. These are processes that neverexisted before 1987.The teacher, Peggy, is here [Peggy Phoenix Dubro]. Eons ago, she knewthe potentials of what she might do here. She is a passionate stewardof a new energy. But this information has been given to her slowly tohelp you make sense of God. Before 1989, the very energy she teacheswould not have been possible to teach, and as the years passed sincethen and the energy of Gaia shifts, her work is enhanced. See how thisworks? Her "jar of knowledge" is being opened and realized by all.Everything you do is registered on this planet as energy, and it staysin the Crystalline Grid after you are gone. Geologists know that mostof the rock on this planet, especially in the crust, is crystalline.Crystals do something that most of you understand: they hold energyand have memory. Even scientists know about the energy of memory in acrystalline substance. So it shouldn't be much of a stretch ofimagination or too esoteric for you to understand that everything youdo is held in that memory bank.This is what vibrates higher within the planet. It's what you havedone collectively, all of your lives, which has stayed here and madethis planet vibrate higher. This energy is currently amazing! For theincredible Human Being has changed even the Crystalline Grid in thelast two weeks!You live your life. Some of you find the secrets of these things, andsome of you don't. The secrets are only things that are hidden fromplain view. But they reveal themselves clearly when any Human beginsto look for them.As we said last night [at the channelling the night before], there isno judgment of any Human. However, in Human terms, in linearity, youwant God to judge you, don't you? The thought that you might die andall of you get to go to the same glorious place does not make sense toyou, does it? You say, "Well, Kryon, what about the bad guy? I wasgood. He was bad. We're going to the same place?" Yes, Human Being,you're both going home. Job well done. We gave you this information inthe channelling, in your culture, within the Old Testament. Did yousee it? Did you understand it? It was called The Prodigal Son? This isnot new information. Within this parable, the father represents God,and the two sons represent Humans on Earth. One does everything rightand one does everything wrong. Then they both come home to the sameenergy; they get the same party!There will come a day when all of you breathe your last breath. It'snot a sad day for you. It may be a sad day for those you leave behind,but not for you. You've all been there before. The ones listening [tothe recording], the ones in this room, and the ones reading... listento me: When you are finished with your natural life, you take a tripto the Cave of Creation. This is when you leave the essence ofeverything you've accomplished within the crystal. All the thoughtsthat you've had that were beautiful, all the thoughts that you've hadthat made you learn things, all your epiphanies, all imbued into thatinterdimensional object.Then the part of you that was not Human (the interdimensional soulpart) leaves this planet and recombines with the Higher-Self. All thatwhich was split apart - the divinity of the cells, all of the guides,returns to the appropriate piece of God yet again. This, is what youshould celebrate. I do! Because when I meet you on the other side, Imeet a brother/sister. I'm doing it right now. I'm saying goodbye tothose who are leaving me, being born. I'm saying hello again to thosewho have passed over and are coming home. "Kryon, how can you be in somany places at once?" You can't ask that and still understand. I'm notsingular. I am a piece of the Creator, just like you.---------------- added by Kryon for this transcription -------------Two very small, harmless microbes are exploring the Human Being. Theyeach have a radio for communication. [Kryon smile]. They areintroduced into the Human's system one day through the right hand ofthe Human. One stays put while the other explores. The travelingmicrobe spends years migrating through cellular structure. Trillionsof pieces of DNA are seen, and miles and miles of cellular matter areobserved. Chemistry is revealed. Finally, the traveling microbe endsup in the left hand.They explore the Human the way a geologist explores the earth. Theyare not aware of anything being alive, for after all, it's so big! Tothem, it's just a vast land of mysterious structure that never shifts.They don't feel movement because they are too small, much like theHuman is not aware of the earth racing through space at thousands ofmiles an hour. They are just explorers of a vast new area - perhapsthe same as you would be when you begin to explore space?They speak to each other daily via their radios, the one telling theother about the marvels of what he sees. The traveling microbe isaware that he may never see the other one... so far away from where hestarted... but he is an explorer so he is satisfied. This is also muchlike a space traveler will be when you start touring the solar system.The only obvious motion will be you, and everything else will appearto be static, but very far away.Suddenly, the consciousness of the Human Being speaks to both of them!He greets them and welcomes them to his spiritual self. His name isJoe. They are amazed at the power of this Joe consciousness, for theywere never really aware that there was anything or anyone watching orcaring. This must be God, they say, for there would be no otherexplanation. The real proof for them is in 3D, for Joe can obviouslybe in two places at the same time! Joe described what was happening tothe one microbe in the left hand at the same time he described whatwas happening to the microbe in the right hand! Think of it - anentity with the power to be in two places at the same time! Of course,Joe was just sitting there with his hands in his lap, talking to hiscells.What we are saying here is that your perception of reality is only howyou define reality. Kryon is not in two places at the same time. Kryonis simply the size of God. Whatever is happening, God is there. Youhave an issue with time, however, since it is not variable in yourperception. So visualize that long road you see as history and time,and put it in a circle. Now expand yourself to an enormous size, andput that circle in your lap. Now look at it. Suddenly, you can see allof it happening at the same time. This is how we perceive your Akash.---------------- end of added section -------------This may explain why what you do now in ordinary life affects thevibration of this planet. You have discovered how to create peace inyour life and eliminate the drama. The earth knows it and your energyof that victory will be here forever. It stays here. Those who say,"I'm so ordinary; just an ordinary Human trying to do my best. I'm nota healer, I'm not a channeller, I'm not really very important at all."That individual does not understand the bigger picture, that what shedoes while being ordinary is here forever. She doesn't understand thatevery step she took in integrity went into the very core of theplanet. And when she is done, it's just another page in a vast journalof time, where every page is one life, and every life adds to the whole.AN AMAZING REAL-TIME CHANGE IN ENERGYI'm going to tell you what has happened in the last two weeks. So, mypartner, I want you to get this right, for it's the first time you'veheard it, too. I want you to go slowly so that you can present this ina linear fashion that makes sense. [These are instructions to Lee.]There was recently what you would call a potential prediction inOctober [2008]. I can speak of this now because October is gone. Inyour linearity as my partner speaks this, that was last month. Inrecent channellings, we even told you of some potentials that mighthave occurred. To many, some of these potentials sounded like theymight be challenging.We were not the only ones to speak of these things. In fact, evenscience told you the same thing! The science of prediction is wellestablished on this planet. For more than a decade now, those in auniversity of learning have discovered how to make certain kinds ofdevices that react to Human consciousness [Princeton University - TheHuman Consciousness Project]. Since Human consciousness isinterdimensional, these devices react before events happen! You mightsay they are able to pick up the randomness of potential. This is nota secret, and even my partner has reported these things in hislectures. It's an interesting study about the energy of humanity, andfuturists love these machines. For the machines start to react beforepotential things happen. The scientists saw it happen before thingslike the recent 2004 tsunami and even the death of Princess Di... allworldwide compassion events.Recently, these indicators were starting to signal something washappening. They were starting to read that something was in worldconsciousness being sensed before it would happen. It was centeringaround the middle of October. What they were beginning to pick up is ashift that took place on October 13 and 14 worldwide*. A major shifttook place. The earth moved in an interdimensional level. Did you knowthat? You say, "No, I didn't," and that's what I want to tell you about.How do I describe this? Humans tend to linearize interdimensionalpotentials in their own belief systems to make them viable to the 3Dmind. Thousands of Human Beings were convinced there was going to be alanding of a giant flying saucer on the 13th or the 14th of October.Out of that flying saucer would come entities from beyond your planetwith wisdom. This ship would be the biggest imaginable, and it wouldbe reported by the entire earth. This group believed this potentialstrongly, since it was a collectively perceived vision. They publishedit and counted upon it.This was the best story they had to linearize an Earth shift. It wasexpected. They linearized it completely to make it 3D and make sense.They had a ship landing from afar and entities of wisdom helping allof you. I tell you right now, there is nothing wrong with this. It'sthe best thing they had to make sense of what they "saw." But did theyget it right? Did a ship land that the entire earth reported? No. Butwere they right? Yes. It seems to be a puzzle. It didn't happen asperceived. With so many involved with this prediction, what wentwrong? Were the scientific instruments right? Yes. But you didn't seeanything, did you? Let me continue.I told you in channel before those dates not to fear change inOctober, for even Kryon saw a challenge coming. For Kryon sees thepotentials of what is there, and I was not the only one to channel it.Seemingly, from many sources and many places you heard the story,"Beware of October." If you did the simplest kind of numerology on the13th and the 14th, the 13th becomes a four. In numerological terms, afour is Earth energy. If you do the numerology on the 14, it becomes afive, or "change." Therefore, what was to happen was Gaia - Earth -change. You were expecting an earthquake. A big one. A global one.Much like the tsunami, which actually was so large it changed therotation of the core of the planet, this event would do somethingsimilar and create global shift. Now here's what you should know:There is an old energy paradigm that connects Gaia to Humanconsciousness. Every single shift on this planet that had aconsciousness vibration alteration required some kind of physicalevent on the planet. In this case, it was going to be an earthquake...movement of the planet's crust. That's how connected Humanconsciousness is to Gaia. Now, be careful, my partner, because I wantyou to get this one correct. Let's go slow.Two weeks ago, this planet moved in an interdimensional way withoutthe expected challenge. All the sources, including the ones on my sideof the veil, expected something larger than took place. We didn'texpect the Human consciousness had raised to a place where nothingwould happen. It's the first time this has ever happened. A majorshift of this planet took place without the challenge of disaster andwithout the challenge of death. Understand that this old energyconnection had to do with compassion. And the only way to generate thekind of compassion needed for a major shift was for the kind of thingyou all were used to... but it didn't happen that way.All the predictions were there. What about that saucer landing? Well,in an interdimensional way, this planet has been imbued with morewisdom from the ancients than ever before. Without any challenge,without any Earth motion, the needed compassion was also delivered.Well, did a landing occur? In a way, it did. For now this planet isvibrating higher than before. It is a consciousness shift thatnormally would have taken physical planetary involvement, but youslept right through it, didn't you?Blessed is the Human Being who slept through it, because there is anew paradigm happening: Change without challenge. This is the goal,but it can only be accomplished if Human consciousness is at a higherlevel and it was. Now I can tell you that it won't be that way everytime, but it was this time. Things are moving quickly, and even thebest futurists will be taken back by the lack of visionary consistency- for that's what happens to a timeless object that is always invibratory transition [Kryon talk for what the earth is going through].Again, the incredible Human Being shocked us all, just as it tookplace in 1987 [The Harmonic Convergence]. The shift is working. Lessthan one half of one percent of you need to make an awakening tocreate peace on Earth. Many cry, "Oh, Kryon, how soon?" It's up toyou. But things will happen faster than you think, and all you have todo is look inside to enhance the process. Free the light that youcarry. It's about self-discovery. That's what I wanted to tell you.Is it any wonder you're dearly loved? Ordinary? Hardly! And that isthe message this night. I want this message spread so that others willhear it... others will read it. It's typical of Human Beings to say,"Well, that's interesting." Then they go about their lives. I'msitting here on this side of the veil saying, "Why didn't you blow upa balloon, or build a statue or something?" How many of you have thecourage to go have a party about the things that didn't happen? What aconcept. And if you do, you are becoming the interdimensional Human.Incredible.That is our message. It's what you're doing. Many channels will comeand go. And some of them will report what you're doing. Look for thisconsistency of message, for it is the big news today.It's hard to say goodbye. Let it be known this day that the truth wasspoken in this room, and that lives were changed. It's hard to saygoodbye.
And so it is.
* Shifts never occur in what is called "one day," for the earth isalways in a two-day time reality. There is always somewhere on theplanet that is either in the next day or the last one, depending onwhere you live.