Creators on the Edge of Evolution
Master Guide Kirael through the mediumship of Kahu Fred Sterling
I come here this evening to speak to each of you. In doing so, I ask you to open your hearts to me words, for what I'm to say is not said to counterbalance anything that you've heard, but hopefully to open up a new pathway where you can feel the presence of love itself. It is me greatest desire today to talk about “edge” versus “fill-in” creation.
I begin by adopting a number of words that might help you understand the two concepts. No matter where you feel your energy when I'm through, do not hold yourself back. Instead, be willing to set yourself free, for it is a journey of the human world that unfolds before us today.
In the light of being on this Earth plane, you must first recognize that your journey is but the simple task of a light that one day will stand before the Creator. Oh, in that respect, my friend, you're just particles of light the Creator called forth and asked, "Who would go to the world that I have created? I have woven together the many different realities. I have brought the mineral weave together; I brought all the dirt and the stones and the grand crystals, the rock formations of the mountains. I've brought together the plant weave to hold it all together, and then I've woven the insect weave to spread the spores of all of that about. Yes, I have also brought the animal weave."
The Creator then said, "I have gone through all of my dimensions; I've gone through all of my worlds and I've taken the thoughts, the expressions of nothing but the very best, and I have now created the weave of human. That is what you will be when you arrive on this planet called Earth. You will be given the love of light itself. Be reminded that I, as the Creator, am the light, I am the love, I am the expression."
If you are a spiritualist, you know in your heart that you stood before this grand Creator, this most beautiful expression of love tingling throughout the entirety of your particle lights, and that you were so honored to have been chosen to see what the Creator had created. Oh yes, you started out very unsure of yourself, very veiled once you reached this plane, but over a period of time, you diminished that veil. With each incarnation, the veils dropped to where you see yourselves now.
Now you're sitting here reading the words of a grand Master from another force of light. Oh yes, you identify me, you call me Master Guide Kirael, and I say I'm from the seventh light. Don't you know there are those out there who still hold the veils in tight, and say to me, "How can you be from the seventh light, Master Guide Kirael?" I say to each of you, this is the difference between filling-in and being on the edge of creation. So, let us talk more about that difference today.
The first thing you'll think is, “I don't want to be a fill-in creator. I don't want to be that bunch of particle lights held together that does nothing with me life while I'm over here.” Well, I can assure you, me friends, no one reading this right now is a full blown fill-in creator energy, because in order to be that, you've got to be much younger than you are today. You've got to be in your early stages of incarnations when you still do some really rascally things and wonder why people don't appreciate all you've done. As you age through this process, you come here with less and less veil, and that simply means that you move closer and closer to being on the constant cutting edge of creator energy.
How many of you would count yourselves as constant on-the-edge creators? Let me define edge creator for you. It means that you have absolutely no fears. If you're constantly on the edge, your fears have dissipated. It means that you understand about this Creator Force and the Love that it exudes, how it constantly loves every being on every level of consciousness that it has brought forth, and how you are the most valued part of that Creator's Force. If you're constantly on the cutting edge of Creator wisdom and Creator energy, you find yourself seeing things that you've never seen before. You observe life through eyes that you've never looked through before.
When someone hands you a wee flower, you don't just stick it half-way up your nose and say, "Yeah, that's nice." You place it well below your nose and mouth and inhale and get the essence of the flower that the Creator created. You become so involved with it that it's hard for you to put it down.
If someone gives you a glass of wine, you'd rather inhale it than drink it; you'd rather look at the brisk colors. When a full on-the-edge-of-creation creator interacts with someone, she sees everything that the other does as perfect; everything around her is perfect because she accepts this understanding that the beautiful Creator never errs. The edge creator never allows anything to happen that shouldn't happen. Why is that?
As an edge creator, you understand that life is a gift and you judge yourself only in how you use it. Being on the edge of creation gives you the grandest opportunity to weave all five senses together to cause that sixth sense.
Just yesterday I was talking to a group of young ladies about this new energy permeating your world plane now called photon energy. They asked me questions about how we would use this energy. I will share with you just one way in which you can use this photon energy, because this is what I consider being on the constant edge of creation.
Imagine, if you would, that all of a sudden you caused a particle of light to be created right at the front of your third eye, and then you caused another one to form behind it so it stuck out just a wee bit, and another and another until you had a stream of them, a laser beam of them. Then imagine that you connected them into the photon energy, which is a force of light itself, and you chose to talk to your best friend somewhere across the waters, somewhere on the other side of the world. You just kept projecting those particles, and then continued to flow them out. As you got them all connected, and they found that person on the other side of the world, suppose you took another batch of those particles and balled them all together in your hands and let them brush your lips with a kiss. Then you floated them on the stream that you'd created, and the ball went all the way across the world, and when it arrived, it brushed your lover's lips, and together you could feel the sensation.
You see, that's where you're going in this Great Shift. You're headed for things that will completely fulfill your expressions of love. So, being on the edge of creation, my friends, may be the defining glory of being human.
It’s unlikely that anyone reading this would be a fill-in creator, but those out there who are still doing fill-in creation should understand that that energy holds the veil the tightest. Fill-in creators are not willing to recognize the Creator as Love. They still need to see Creator as some guy up in the sky with a parchment and quill making notes of the bad things that you do. Fill-in creators still blame the Creator when a giant wave devastates people who then return home through the death process. A fill-in creator is simply afraid most of its life.
Fill-in creators pick at those of you who are edge-creators. Fill-in creators try to aggravate you because they’re not happy. They’re not happy that you see light in the world when they see shadows. They say things to you like, "You go to those weird places, do you? You listen to mediums. You should have your head examined." You know, some of you start to feel as if maybe you shouldn't tell anybody where you’re going, but you've got to, my friends, because you see, it is the Creator's greatest desire to bring billions of you through this new grand Shift.
If you have to deal with fill-in creators a lot in your life, remember that they’re going to come at you kicking and screaming. When they say something bad about you, don't get angry with them, and for God's sake, don't try to get even. Pray for them, love them.
Master Jesus once said, "Turn the other cheek." He didn't mean that you should slap him again. I believe in me heart what he was saying is give them something else to look at, not a target, but love. When you run across that person who says something bad about you, go inside yourself and say, "Wait a minute; I am part of the Creator. I am made of light, and what that person is saying doesn't mean anything to me because I know what I am. I am beauty and life itself." Let him say what he must, my friends; let him speak his words. Remember, maybe not so long ago you were doing the same thing, perhaps not in this life but in another. You were doing it because you had your veils on tight.
Please don't call him on it, don't tell him, "You're a fill-in creator energy, that's why; you’ve got veils all over yourself." Turn your other cheek; let him see light in your eyes. Thank him for his criticism, for it will help you understand how you might have said something that aggravated him. Thank him for having the courage to continue trying to find a way through the veil, but let yourself be the Creator Light. Let yourself be on the edge of creation at all times.
So, that, me friends, is the love that I would share with you this day. I'm praying with you. I hope for everything I'm worth that you'll come away from this knowing that you were touched by something deep inside of you, because, you see, when you talk to me in the Great Shift, you will feel me in your heart.
Now, some of you right now can feel me in your light, and it's not as though I am a ghost or something that must cross over or come and stand before you. I can sense every being who's reading this right now and just for the moment I've offered you everything that I have ever learned from Creator Force, and all of the thousands upon hundreds of thousands of years that I've been working at being a guide. I offer it all to you right now by reaching inside of you and touching your heart light.
Try to feel me if you can. Close your eyes wherever you might be and just feel the passion. Every one of you reading this, no matter what country you're in, no matter where you'd be, try it. Open your heart to me this moment, feel my love, because I come here not to teach, but to share wisdom that at some level you already know. I come to remind you that the Creator's in love with you all the time, as am I.
If you're an edge-creator, my friend, you can do nothing but love everything and everybody. If you're living constantly on the edge of creation, then you're looking for ways to open your heart further and further. You're looking for ways to experience things you’ve never experienced before. You're looking to see colors that have never been shown to you. You're living to smell smells that have never even crossed your nostrils before. You're living to eat a meal, not just to fill yourself, but to honor your body. You're looking to bless the food for being part of it. If you're living on the edge all the time, when you say a prayer, you don't try to think it through; you just let it flow through you.
That's on the edge, my friends, that's on the edge of creation. Can you be there constantly? Oh, God, yes, you can; you’ve just got to have the courage. You’ve just got to be brave and let no fear cross your path, because fear is just a mask of energy; it's a shadow that makes you think that you're less than in control. Look at your fear and think about it with me for the moment. Pick any one fear in your world this moment. Realize that whatever you're afraid of, whatever's causing that fear, was created by the Creator. It was created in love; therefore it is susceptible to love.
Those of you who come whenever I'm in state, or those of you who come to see me medium as he's wandering through the world plane now, you just mark a big "C" on your forehead, because that's the edge of creation. You know what I'm saying, my friends. Look in the mirror at your third eye; let it develop. Oh, you don't have to make it like the medium's, but let it develop, let it open, let yourself be on the edge and let creation and your Creator Force constantly walk the path of love.
The difference between those who are still doing the fill-in creation and you is your courage to love. Fill-in creators are those who sit around and watch some mindless energy on television all day, or those who are not willing to expand their own light. So, me friends, spend the rest of this time with me, and let yourself breathe, let yourself feel, let yourself be on the cutting edge of creation, always seeking to find the answers. Every answer that you find opens the door for more. Celebrate that, because you only get so many times on this level of consciousness, and every one you get is a great honor. Ask the questions: What's next for me? What can I do now to evolve to something I've never done before? Can I write a book, can I sing a song, can I play the piano, can I dance a dance? Can I travel the other worlds? The answer is an emphatic yes. It is time for all to awaken. I pray that what I've spoken will touch you deep enough in your heart to make you know you're on the edge. Let's go for it.
I'll let that stand as me opening statement, and I understand we have a number of questions that have been submitted and I will take those questions in the now.
Q: How does an edge-creator keep from letting his emotions get the best of him so that he can continue to create without chaos?
KIRAEL: Oh, that's a grand question. First of all, you have to recognize that as an edge-creator, you will be constantly pushed from behind. You will be constantly challenged, because people will look at you and sense there's a beautiful part, an edge to you. When you find yourself getting swept into the emotions and you want to go backwards a wee bit to let anger somehow fill in for you, just take a breath, count to three, and say these words: "If I responded in love, what would it sound like?"
If you're driving down the highways of life and some fellow swerves past you and causes you to suddenly step on your brakes and you want to get aggravated with him, count to three and ask the question, “How could I respond to this in love?” If you can say that much, a sense of peace will come over you because you are an edge-creator. You're used to working in that light. You're used to being out on the edge of creation and that sense will come over you. It will be fleeting in the beginning. It'll just be a little pop, if you will, and you've got to learn to take advantage of it, because immediately that guy who cut you off will no longer exists. He will fall out of your reality.
You see, fill-in creators can't get into your world. You are surrounded by the angels and the guides, and they'll tell you things such as: "That's his reality for now, don't make it yours." You probably remember that when you first started meditating, it was difficult in the beginning, wasn’t it? There isn't a person out there who wouldn't share that with you, but can you imagine where you'd be now without your meditations? It takes time.
When you're pressed by the energies of the fill-in creators, understand that they can sense who you are, and you scare them a little bit. You see, fill-in creating is about being secure in where you are, being all comfy and rock 'n rolly, or whatever you want to call it. On the other hand, the fill-in creators feel as if edge-creators have something they don’t, and darn if that doesn't upset the fill-in creators. You can't see it because it's not written on their foreheads, but there's an energy about edge-creators; they smile a lot more and they don't get angry.
Don’t you know that a fill-in creator just might want to push on that person, see if he is really made of what he says he is. The answer is, “One, two, three, now let me feel the Love of my Creator just for the moment.” When the Love passes through you, and it will, you'll feel the shift. It may be short in the beginning, but as you get better at it, it'll last long enough to latch onto you, and you'll say to that person who just said something bad about you, "I'm really sorry that you feel that way about me. I didn't mean for you to, and I'm going to work at trying to make sure I don't do that to someone else." You’ll let it go, and that person, that fill-in creator, will walk away going, “What the heck happened?” Maybe that one time, you gave him the opportunity to become this on-the-edge-creator.
Q: Being on the edge is often uncomfortable. How do we become comfortable with the discomfort?
KIRAEL: I'll give you an example. The medium went to El Lopez and said, "You’ve got to create the music that was played in the time of Lemuria." El said, "Oh, okay I can do that." He walked away saying, "Oh, my God, I've never heard Lemurian music; I've never even sensed Lemurian music. What am I going to do? I know what I'll do. I'll just sit down at me piano here and I'll let me fingers touch the keys." He did, and he might not even remember this, but an energy entered in with him, a beautiful particle of light. It was an Elven energy, one who was one of the first or second beings of the Lemurian world, who played and played and played. He made up song after song. That's how the Elven carried on the histories of their world. That particle is still vibrating in El today.
Here’s how you overcome a fear, that uncertainty. You simply say, "I've got to do this; I've got to get through it. There's something on the other side calling me. It can’t be any more than a veil; I've got to walk through the veil. I've got to demystify it because there's something waiting for me that's greater than anything I've ever done." Like El, when you face that fear and walk through it, you find that you're never alone, that there's always someone there with you.
When you hear the music of Lemuria, listen, feel, and see the colors come up in your eyes. Feel the emotions rush to the front of your thought systems. Feel the music as it surrounds you, draws you in and engulfs you in a spirit light itself. Feel it, feel yourself get goose bumps, feel yourself want to relax and be loved. It's as though Mother Goddess herself puts her hands on your face, looks deep into your eyes and gives you a gift of love. This is the music of Lemuria. This is what the Lemurians listened to, to enter the states of consciousness in which they could create anything anywhere. Listen to that particle within El as it vibrates through you, entering your physical world, feeling the presence of your love. Know that you've been touched by Lemuria itself.
Q: Would you please comment on how being an edge-creator is affected by our passion and willingness to heal?
KIRAEL: When you look at the world you've created, just about everything around you seems formed in some sort of solid mass. If you hold up your hand, you see it as a solid mass. If you look at the computer screen, or if you look at the chair in front of you, they each appear to be a solid mass.
As we know, and even your scientists would tell you, you can't be solid; you are a vibration of particle lights. The smallest particle of light possibly known to humankind is about to explode into the future. It's about to be understood. For instance, El's music came from one single particle of light with a string inside of it. The string was brought to him by me, Master Jesus, Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary, each representing one of the four beings of light: Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. I had the honor of carrying the spiritual strand to that particle. Inside that particle, we wove colors and sounds together, and every time El taps into that energy, he begins this new formation of sound.
Accept and love the fact that you don't come from Earth. Each and every one of you is a composite of Love of the Creator developed from all other sources of light. To heal this expression, to heal the P-E-M-S — the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual — you've got to weave them together so that they’re not seen as separated. You've got to understand that your physical body is your emotions personified. You’ve got to see that your mental world holds nothing other than the thought capsules of sound and understanding of this life and others. You've got to see that this spiritual world that you've connected to is a vibration of color and sound, and all blend together.
You’ve got to weave them together and stop separating them. Understand that when you go out into the world, your physical is woven together with all the other bodies. When you look up into the hills of Sedona and see the mount of red rocks, fall in love again and again and again. When you look at a bubbling stream, run your emotions down into those beautiful flickers of water. When you see a kitty-cat standing alongside the path, let your mental body connect to it for just a moment. Weave all the bodies together and you'll find that you're constantly on the edge.
Q: I understand that creation depends on how much passion I can bring forth in the process. How can I increase or improve my passion?
KIRAEL: Oftentimes most in the human world juxtapose the words excitement and passion. Many of you look for excitement in your life. Excitement is something you seek when all else has failed and you just need to get that blood sugar or adrenalin running. For instance, if you go to a sporting event, very seldom will you find yourself in passion. When you watch a sporting event, you're watching somebody get hurt, for the most part. You can't say that's a passion, because if it is, then you're probably not in a good place. When you watch ballerinas or acrobats, they're creating a living art and that takes passion.
To draw on the depths of your light is to bring the passion forth, and a passion can be totally distinguished from an excitement, because excitement is an erratic energy; it's just bouncy. You know, you see people at a sporting event jump up in the air and scream. That's excitement. You've seen people watch a dance, and be enthralled, just held almost in a grand passion itself. When this happens, suggest to yourself that you want to remember it. Every time you know you're in passion rather than excitement, passion becomes a way of life.
Watch me medium some time; he's passionate a great part of the time. If you say something to him like, "Uh, you know you got a big spot on your shirt," he says something back at you like, "Oh, boy, you should have seen how much I loved eating what caused that." He just finds everything in passion. Everything has passion.
Practice recognizing excitement and then practice recognizing passion, and when you know you’ve got the passion down, start to move with it and cause it to happen all of the time. The more the passion happens, me friends, the stronger and more powerful you become.
Q: How can we place our beingness on that edge without losing balance?
KIRAEL: What if the Creator's energy was full with every moment of every space of every time? What if it wasn't a measurable energetic form, because it made everything? What if you in the human being world wanted to get on that edge and balance there? To find that balance would be to merge your senses in collective force from the five into one, call it the sixth, and begin to feel yourself fully immersed in this energetic force-of-creation-light particles. You will know to pull in just a little bit for this balance that you seek when you go to a state of consciousness that surrounds you so that you cannot see the Earth. You will know when you fall back towards the matrix, because you'll feel the pull of the vibrational magnetic force of Earth tug on you and you'll move back out a little bit. Just like riding a bicycle and balancing, one day you'll realize that as long as you're in constant motion, you can't fall over; you just keep going and there's no stress and no loss. You're simply balanced in the Light of Creator Force. That, my friend, is the edge where you can pull from the Creator's Love and adjust the matrix energy. It's right there within your reach at all times.
Q: How can my guides and angels help me heal my fears?
KIRAEL: When you learn that your consciousness is connected to energetic patterns molded in light and do not have vocal cords, you will learn that they can communicate in such a grand fashion that you cannot doubt that they are with you and guiding you. Your angels gave up speech a long time ago. Your speech is sometimes a deterrent to your connected force. Impassion your energies to enlist the angels, the guides, and the Elven world. Just don't ask them to do the journey for you. Ask them to open the path of light before you.
When you ask an angel, "Would you get me out of this fix that I'm in," they don't have vocal cords to respond, me friends, and they don't have hands to stop the rock coming at your head, but they hear you if your question is asked in passion. Somehow or another your body will move in such a way that you never knew it could before, and the rock will pass you by, because the angels and guides can touch your cellular consciousness. They can touch the particles of what you are and they can be in service to you.
When you call them only in distressed times, they're a little slower to react. Sometimes by the time they can finally figure out how to interact with you, it's too late and your lesson plan has changed. So, be constantly in touch with them. Love them enough to let them know that you love them. Simply chat with them and thank them for the great things in your life. When you've got that opportunity, you begin to practice your communicative skills and you never feel alone again. Don't wait for the voice in your ears; you know from the feeling in your heart what is right and not right. When you follow that one, my friends, you will not be misguided.
You say, "Master Kirael, what about the good and the bad or the good and the evil? What if I get tied up with an evil energy?" In the first place, in the Creator's Force, everything is love. You can't get this so-called bad or evil energy unless you ask for it. If you see something dark and out of alignment with everything you want, understand the gift you've been given. Penetrate it with your light and it will return to the Creator. There's nothing to fear, me friends. Talk to your angels, talk to your guides. Let them know of your love. Weave all your five senses together, let them know you care and you will have constant communication with them.
With that, I'll make this my closing statement: I love this world and all those calls I get in a day. Oh, it's not always as busy as that, unless there's a Tsunami or something, then I really get busy, but be mindful that even though there are mediums on this world who can tap into the source of a master guide, in order for them to do that, they must be tapped into some other sources as well, such as angels and higher selves.
Get yourself up on the edge of creation. Get passionate about what you do. Let yourself have the flair and the passion to know that every moment of every day imparts something to you, and every moment you spend on the edge gets you that much closer to understanding the love that you were born from. You were born from a Creator of Love itself. You were created in the form of love and in that love you can never be lost, because all of us are there awaiting you. We all love you. You don't have to die to find us.