Thursday, September 14, 2006

Life... as seen from Above - part 5


Those of you raised in the Christian tradition are familiar with the
phrase "thy will be done." Within that phrase is the concept of trust
and acceptance. Inherent in acceptance is trust in the One, the being
allowing and shaping the experiences coming to you. Also present is
the challenge of living life to the fullest as it presents itself to
you. The amazing reality about "thy will be done" is that it has
little to do with the nebulous concept of what many call God. "Thy
will be done" is all about you, your higher self.

Through your higher self, you are able to access that which you call
God. Through your higher self you are able to access the Oneness. If
you cannot access you being one with your higher self, you will not be
able to embrace the truth of Oneness, of the concept of God, the All,
All That Is. In a manner of speaking, your higher self is your bridge
to the overwhelming energy of what many call God. Your higher self is
the bridge between you and the powerful creative force of love.

My dearest ones, your inability to be in an attitude of acceptance is
related to your inability to trust yourself, your higher self. If you
cannot trust your higher self, yourself, then you cannot trust that
which you call God, All That Is, Universal Love, Allah. The
reluctance, the fear of trusting is held fast by the inability to
trust yourself, your higher self. When you allow yourself to trust
your higher self, when you move into true acceptance, to the truth of
"thy will be done," you will discover the depths of yourself. You will
discover the powerful creator that you are.


Life on this Earth is filled with paradox. You grow to know yourself,
to enter into your power, only to realize that you have no power, and
then you enter into even greater power. The paradox is that you cannot
experience even a hint of your true power until you find what you
think is power and then realize you never had power. You learn to
love yourself and set boundaries only to discover that a true love
relationship involves the merging of boundaries and the releasing of
part of yourself.

The paradox is that you cannot release a part of yourself to another
before you love yourself and establish boundaries. You cannot truly
merge with another unless you first learn to be independent. Life is a
continual tension between being proactive and acceptance, moving
forward and deliberation.

Every experience you have has been planned by you. You planned a
series of choices. If you made choice A, then you went in one
direction, and if you took choice B, you went in another. Your very
first choice was whether or not to fully accept this incarnation, to
accept life. Those who fully accept life have experiences built upon
wonder. Those who do not have experiences fraught with hardship. Many
made this choice for or against life before they had the maturity to
know the consequences of their choice, no different than the teenager
who chooses not to finish high school.

The myriad of healing modalities in this wonderful world you had a
hand in creating can assist you in making new choices. Healing the
past can change your present and your future. You will keep the wisdom
with you. If you choose acceptance, "Thy will be done," you choose
healing. You will go in the direction that healing leads you. If you
choose resistance, you will go in the direction that leads you.

Every person will end their incarnation by going home. That will not
change. Everyone will make it home. Your choices now determine your
experience in this incarnation. What experience do you want?

If you have read this far into this message, your higher self is
speaking to you, giving you an opportunity to move more deeply into
the depths of consciousness. Take time to rest with the words I have
given you. Allow yourself to be held in the dynamic tension of
paradox. I, on behalf of your higher self, challenge you.

continue reading part 6 (final)...

Power and the Higher Self
Amma through Cathy Chapman
July 2006

SEDONA Journal of EMERGENCE ~ September 2006 Issue



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